Wednesday, February 16, 2011

quickwrite orwell. egypt.

       i believe that total dictatorship is the connection  shared between george orwells, animal farm, and the events happening in Egypt. i think that rebellion has similar points in each thing im comparing. In the story, the animals began a revolution with the humans and the farm animals. everything was working out fine between the animals in the beginning. selfishness and a need or strong desire to take control was lurking in a pig named , napoleon who soon announced he was the new head of the farm. napoleon turned out to be just as bad as the farmer who was thrown out of his own farm. so the question of who will rule next is something that applies to the overthrow of egypts dictator and oppressor mubarak. like alexia said, i also agree that these are similarities between the two. “The connections I see between the revolution in Animal Farm and the events in Egypt, Tunisia, and Honduras are the reasons why they chose to overthrow their government/leader. In Animal Farm the animals decided they needed to have a revolution because they felt that the farmers were unfair. In Honduras they felt that their "dictator" they had, Zeleya, was doing things that were unexceptable. The main thing that poeple didn't like was how he was changing the constitution so he could make his term longer. In Animal Farm Napolean does something similar. He starts to eliminate and/or edit the 10 commandments that the animals had originally set together. The reason he did this wasn't because he wanted to make his "term" longer, it was so he would be able to act like a human. Napolean becoming the dictator is similar to the question "who will replace Mubarak?" I think it's similar because the main person that's going to most likely be the dictator after Mubarak is Suleiman. It connects to Animal Farm because after the farmers Napolean became the "dictator" and that's what's going to happen in Egypt. In Animal Farm one corrupt leader led after the other so the outcome of Egypt will probably similar. Something that is also similar is that Mubarak sent Suleiman to calm down the people and that's exactly what Napolean did with Squelar and the animals.”

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