Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What Would Life Be Without Music?

sometimes i wonder what life would be without music. At first i thought that if we didnt have music then life would be boring or less entertaining. A music-less world is like taking a huge chunck of culture out of each race, religion, and background history (like the slaves who made music about their problems). Then i thought that if the human race werent introduced to music in the first place, that it may be normal for us not to have it. You never know what you're missing if it isnt introduced to our knowledge. Same goes for the way we know music to be. Since we (mankind), already know what music is we are used to it and it is normal to us.
            But if we think about a world devoid of music, it is a world devoid of possible entertainment. Take movies for example. In a scary movie, the creepish music that always indicates something bad will happen, adds to the intensity of the movie and how we as people are feeling about the movie. It keeps us on our toes to know that the music means something will happen. Without the music, there would be unexpected surprises that may be tiring to the watchers after a while. Music in movies gives the watchers a sense of how to feel in any genre; Romance movies may have something soft that touches the audience when something touchy in the movie is happening. In action movies, the high paced thrilling music paces the watchers to move at the same speed of what action is taking place. So movies without music leaves the people watching without feeling many of the stressed emotions of the film. Plus one of my favorite kind of movies, musicals, would not exist.
            If you were asked what do most people do while driving in a car, what would you say? Would you say "pay attention to the road," "talk on bluetooth," " talk to the people that may be in the car at the time being,?" Surley what may come to a person's mind is to listen to music. Think of a long drive from Oakland to L.A. About six to seven hours. You are driving alone, left your phone at home, and there is no such thing as music. That sounds boring just at the thought of doing nothing in the car, hearing nothing but motors of other cars on the road. Now at least with music, one can entertain his or herself by singing along to the tunes recognized. Without music in cars, cars would be less intresting, except for the fact one doesnt have to walk or take dirty public transit, and the fact that they are much faster than doing the two.
          Plus what about the activities that work by having music.What about Halftimes, parties, Broadway, Church,Disney movies (most include songs). What about karaoke, musical chairs. They wouldnt exsist. The shows on Television that include singing or dancing; American Idol, Dance Your Ass Off, Dancing with the Stars, Don't Forget Those Lyrics, America's Best Dance Crew. All the shows that are so popular now would not exsist. We would watch sitcoms and reality t.v shows about love, and who wants to date a millionaire (you get the point) --all without music. No ipods, itunes, i-anything. Its screams boredom.
         One of the things that i listed up above that would suck without music is--drumroll please, Church. Imagine sitting in a place for hours and all you hear is talking, talking, talking. Yes, Church isn't supposed to be about the music, but the inspiration of the words spoken, and some churches may not have music. But i cannot for the life of me sit somewhere, other than school, and only hear talking, no music. 
         So a life so dull is the equivalent of a life without music. I guess I answered my own question. =]

1 comment:

  1. Good point about a world devoid of music! I agree with you on that note. After you mentioned music in movies, it reminded me of movies in America and movies in Europe. The two types of movies in these countries are very different. In American movies, everything is really dramatic. Music is used to convey these dramatizations, but in Europe movies are more calm and they convey intensity with the storyline and not so much with music. You should watch a European movie sometime so you can see the difference!
