Wednesday, April 13, 2011

book post kiana g.

       i think that this book has many flaws and weaknesses because of the many confusing parts in the story. one of the major weaknesses is the fact that he narrator changes the subject every second, never really referring back to the reasons why the subject was being changed. something that really bugged me was how repetitive he is throughout the whole story. he would restate the same points he'd made the last "chapter" did. not only was the story repetitive and seem to change subjects way too quickly, it was also very unintresting.
       many people might think that it is intresting because how the main character/ narrator thought. i do have to admit that the main characters way of thinking was extraordinary. however, when it comes to judging a story, or anything for that matter,   a person should not only focus on the strengths of the book (if there is one at all), but take the strength into consideration with the realization of the flaws and weak areas and add them all up and make a decision based on the outcome of each detail.
    since the story was awkward and boring, yet cool to see the way the main character thought it would be a score of 1 out of 5 overall.


  1. It is kind of confusing to know what question you are writing abou. Also it seems like you really do not like your book. Maybe you should talk about one of the characters in your book because you do not menchain none of the characters that were in your book. You should talk wether the characters made you like the book or really just made you more confused. It seems as if the question you should focus on is why the refer wrote this book since there is slot of confusing parts about it that you do not get. Write about the people that the author try to get at since it is clearly not the type of people like you because you are saying how much you did not really like the book.

  2. Many of my questions are similar to Pedro: What questions did you pick to write about, what book are you even doing, and can you provide more background into the story?
    You seem to only breach the surface of what the book is about. It would help more to explain deeper connections. I would have liked to see what questions you can pose for the development of the characters in this book.
