Friday, September 24, 2010

The Worst and Most Boring Movie Ever

         On November 20th the year of 2008, on of the most annoying and surprisingly top rated movie until this day was released. Vampires, mortals, werewolves, blah blah blah. The movie Twilight is one of the worst movies of all time and i dont understand how it became so famous. Unlike Harry Potter, it has no value. Twighlight is more about finding a boyfriend while Harry Potter is about overcoming one's fear, which teaches children a better moral than Twighlight does.
          One thing that also gets on my nerves about this movie is that it is totally unintresting and Edward is extremely unattractive. The whole thing about who is hotter: team Edward or Team Jacob is ridiculous and so many teenage girls in America choose which side they are on. Its not like Edward or Jacob is on Your side so whats the point in choosing one of theirs?
           Everywhere I go, I see posters on the Twilight cast. I see Jacob with his shirt off, Edward looking paler than a piece of printing paper, and Bella, or whatever her name is, looking mean and confused everytime--who even falls in love with a vampire anyway? Like Lady Gaga, Bella is weird and annoying.
          Twilight is the worst and most boring movie ever

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