Friday, September 24, 2010

The Worst and Most Boring Movie Ever

         On November 20th the year of 2008, on of the most annoying and surprisingly top rated movie until this day was released. Vampires, mortals, werewolves, blah blah blah. The movie Twilight is one of the worst movies of all time and i dont understand how it became so famous. Unlike Harry Potter, it has no value. Twighlight is more about finding a boyfriend while Harry Potter is about overcoming one's fear, which teaches children a better moral than Twighlight does.
          One thing that also gets on my nerves about this movie is that it is totally unintresting and Edward is extremely unattractive. The whole thing about who is hotter: team Edward or Team Jacob is ridiculous and so many teenage girls in America choose which side they are on. Its not like Edward or Jacob is on Your side so whats the point in choosing one of theirs?
           Everywhere I go, I see posters on the Twilight cast. I see Jacob with his shirt off, Edward looking paler than a piece of printing paper, and Bella, or whatever her name is, looking mean and confused everytime--who even falls in love with a vampire anyway? Like Lady Gaga, Bella is weird and annoying.
          Twilight is the worst and most boring movie ever

Monday, September 13, 2010

My Question Still Irks Me and Remains: Why Do People Own Pet Fish?

             Many people own pets because of many different reasons. Maybe to relieve stress, feel more comfortable, or just to have to feel happy. The usual household pet a dog, cat, hampster, bird, or something you can touch and play with, is what i think of when someone says they have a pet. However, something that has and always will bother me greatly, is what the point is in having a pet fish. So maybe fish are quite unusual, since they are from the sea, but what does a person do with them other than feed, clean, and watch them swim? What real purpose is there to own a fish or two? Is it relaxing to sit back and watch them swim in the same motion for minutes at a time? I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why fish are sold and bought at stores: even Wal-Mart sells fish. There are four reasons that I came up with to why fish should not be pets.
                 First, fish are meant to be in an ocean where they have tons of room to swim and live as they please, eating all the things humans may not be able to give to them. Sure, a person might object to my statement and say that there are big tanks for sell in many stores so they could have room to do as they want. Then again, I might reply, no matter how big you buy a tank, nothing can compare to the enormous amount of room in the ocean. The fish seem like they get tired of swimming back and forth, to and fro, up and down, zig-zags, or whatever. Wouldn't the owner feel sorry for the poor helpless fish? Wouldnt you want the fish to be happy in an enviornment made perfectly for the thing? It's like fish torture if you ask me.
                 Second, cleaning the tank could be a major hassle. Fish eat, therefore fish, like most living things, poop. Green slime floating everywhere, otherwise known as algae, is gross when cleaning it, and it is highly unsanitary. The smell is completely horrid and very unattractive when guest come over. The smell may leave your guest wondering about what kind of bad fishsticks you ate the night before. Everything about the whole pet fish tank cleaning situation is nasty and utterly ridiculous.
               Third, pet fish are expensive. Tanks, food, nets, tank cleaner, the actual fish, and fish medicine: just in case they just happen to get sick. There is also the rocks or pebbles for the bottom of the tank and that little astronaut man, which all fish seem to avoid. Pet fish equals more money wasted.
              And finally, the last breath of the poor little fish -- they only last for a week or two anyway. Fish are a waste of time because they only last for a couple weeks. There must be some reasons to why people own fish in the first place. You cant even take the fish out and play with it without it dying of dehydration or from crashing down on the floor for being so slippery and disgusting, in one of the rooms in your fishy smelling home. Fish arent even attractive. Their lips are rather freaky, the way they pucker out like a dreadful scence of a romance movie. Except that they are attractive colorwise, they pretty much stink: literally.
               So my question still irks me and remains. Why do people own pet fish? They buy them, buy the things for them, and spend three weeks feeding, cleaning, and watching them do nothing just so they could have the satisfaction of the beauty most, if any at all, possess. So overtime, maybe someone can answer my question: Why do people own pet fish?